Saturday, 4 May 2013

Music exams

Many students want to pass the highest level of exam as soon as possible.

I have some students, after passing the highest level of exams with decent marks, do not know music at all.

They cannot sight read properly.

They have no knowledge of music.

They do not know the dynamics.

They do not use the right muscles to sing and  play the piano.

They do not sing and play anything without asking teachers to show them....and more, etc etc.


Because for most music schools and music teachers, the more students pass exams, the better their reputations are. They will get more and more students by referrals.

So how do they teach?

Teach them like teaching monkeys.

How do students learn?

Learn by imitating everything teachers do.

So after exams, students forget everything. Music is imitation for students; Music means more and more students and money for teachers and schools.

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